Congratulations to Ms. Clara Badong | AFCEA Marianas Grant Recipient

April 28, 2011 •  TechNet 2011 Closing Dinner | Governor’s House Guam.Congratulations to Ms. Clara Badong for being selected as one of the 8 (eight)  AFCEA Marianas 2011 STEM Grant Recipients!  Ms Badong intends to use the $1000 grant to incorporate the use of Lego Mindstorm Education resources technology in learning about simple machines for her 4th grade Science class.There were 15 outstanding submissions this year and out of that a panel of three judges selected 8 recipients. AFCEA Marianas Chapter provided the grant opportunities for teachers of  Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM). This program is a joint effort between AFCEA Marianas Chapter and AFCEA National Educational Foundation to promote effective science teaching and to enhance the abilities of capable STEM teachers in K-12 schools worldwide.

The AFCEA Marianas Chapter awards at least one $1,000 grant, and if possible, additional grants to deserving elementary, middle or high school STEM teachers to purchase consumable supplies or equipment that would augment science, information technology, engineering or mathematics activities in the classroom.  To know more about AFCEA Marianas please visit their website: