(L-R). Sr. Maria Rosario Gaite, RSM, Lisa Bordallo, Paula Perez and Joyce Guevera.
On June 12, 2020, Santa Barbara Catholic School teacher Mrs. Joyce Guevara was joined by Principal Sr. Maria Rosario Gaite, RSM in presenting the Quarter Quest check to Catholic Social Service for Guma San Jose. Quarter Quest is a project for 4th & 5th grade classes coordinated by Mrs. Guevara.
The Quarter Quest project started in 2008. Students decorated recycled plastic bottles and kept donations in them. At the end of the year, the funds collected are donated primarily to Guma San Jose and presented during the Dress Technical Rehearsal of the school’s spring production. This year, COVID-19 guidelines changed those plans. Instead, CSS Deputy Director Paula Perez & CSS marketing officer Lisa Bordallo were gracious enough to stop by the SBCS office and receive the donation.