Santa Barbara Cub Scouts Celebrate “100 Years of Scouting”

by Mrs. Geraldine Cepeda
SBCS Parent

The Santa Barbara Catholic School Cub Scouts celebrated the 100th Birthday of the Boy Scouts at the 2010 Green Jamboree Camp Out and District Dinner on March 12-13, 2010, at Jeff’s Pirates Cove in Ipan, Talofofo.  Cub Scouts who camped out:

Bears Den
(with Den Leader Mr. Jose Abad)
Wolf Den
(with Den Leader Mr. Justin Green)
Webelos Den
(with Asst. Den Leader Mr. Derek Cepeda)
Aydan Abad
Joseph Green
Joshua Cepeda
Joshua Quinto
Simon Sibal
Patrick Gamiao
Sebastian Loyola
Gavin Baldevia
Halen Carbonel
Angelo Cruz
Andre Lansigan

Also camping out with the Scouts were their parents and siblings. The SBCS Cub Scouts roasted marshmallows over a bonfire on both Friday and Saturday nights. Saturday was full of fun and games for the Scouts – they played tug-of-war and golf, went swimming, and made kites out of palm leaves and newspapers then flew them in the windy breeze. The Scouts also learned how to shoot BB guns and even how to fish with a rod and line! Then they rode in Jeff’s truck for a tour of the jungle.

On Saturday night, the SBCS Cub Scouts, den leaders and parents presented a short skit at the District Dinner. We are proud to announce the Wolf Den Leader, Mr. Justin Green, won the Spark Plug Award, for his hard work and in sparking enthusiasm in Scouting at SBCS.

The SBCS Cub Scouts Pack is the first on Guam to be chartered by a Catholic school. For more information and to join, please contact the Cubmaster, Mrs. Evangeline Calumaya, or drop in at the monthly Pack Meeting in the SBCS Cafeteria.

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