Chamorro Day Celebration | March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011 • SBCS celebrated the Chamorro day with fun-filled activities such as guest performances by Ben Lamlam San Nicolas, Jesse Bais and Ruby Santos, carabao rides for students, coconut weaving, coconut relay games, fruits and vegetables display, arts and crafts display, Department of Agriculture’s animal display and dessert tasting. This year’s theme was “Naʼ laʼ la I Lengguahi, Kottura Yan Kostumbren Chamorro” (Let the Chamorro Language, Culture, and Traditions Live on).

Congratulations to Mrs.Terry Scavetta and all teacher volunteers for the success of our Chamorro Day celebration.

Scripps Regional Spelling Bee

Nicole Raqueno - 3rd Round

Good luck to Nicole Raqueno as she participates in the Island wide Scripps Regional Spelling Bee. She correctly spelled the word “patel” on this 3rd round.

Ash Wednesday 2011

March 9, 2011 • Santa Barbara Catholic School starts observance of Lenten Season by joining the community in the Ash Wednesday Mass at Santa Barbara Parish.

SBCS Supports The 23rd Annual Rainbows 3.5 Miles Run / Walk for Youth 2011

SBCS supports the 23rd annual Rainbows Run / Walk for Youth 2011

March 5, 2011 • SBCS Teachers, students and parents supported the  23rd Annual Rainbows 3.5 Miles Run / Walk for Youth 2011 with the theme “Rainbows Mend Hearts, Inpire Minds”.  Rainbows For All Children Guam is an international not for profit research based peer support group for children that are going through painful life transition.

3rd Quarter Exam Schedule SY 2010-2011

February 28 – March 3, 2011

Grades 1-3 Teacher Based

GRADES 4, 5 and 6A
Language Arts Language Arts Math Math
Social Studies Social Studies Religion Science
Grades 6B/C, 7 and 8
Language Arts Language Arts Math Math
Social Studies Religion Science

Update:  The GCC College Access Challenge Grant Program talk for Grades 6-8 has been moved to March 7 instead of February 28.

5th Grade Day of Recollection

February 17, 2011. Congratulations to all the fifth graders on the success of their day of recollection, prepared and facilitated by their Religion teacher, Mr. Delson Balance.

SBCS Sports Club Pizza Day/Night Fundraising Event

Our SBCS Sports Club will be having a pizza day/night fundraiser to help support our athletes at Santa Barbara School with their end of the year sports banquet to be held in May. This event recognizes all athletes that participated in sports throughout the school year.  The sports club will have their pizza day/night fundraiser on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.  The sports club will receive 25% of all proceeds raised that day. Attached is the fundraising flyer.  Please let them know that “this is a Pizza Night Order” then proceed with your order!  Please detach on the bottom of the flyer the Sales Claim Check at time of payment in order for SBCS sports club to get any of the proceeds.

This is an all day fundraising event so please plan to have lunch or dinner at any of the Pizza Hut locations on island.  This also applies to take out or delivery.  Please tell your friends & family as well.  We need your support.

Formal Class Observation

Several classes in action during the formal class observations conducted by Sr. Jeanette Marie Pangelinan and Sr. Maria Rosario Gaite in January and February 2011.