May Crowning 2023

SBCS Service Awards
SBCS Lives Within Me
SBCS Graduation Video c/o 2022
Guam Oratorical Contest
Biba Mes CHamoru
Catholic Schools Week 2022
SBCS Christmas Performance 2021
Because of COVID 19 restrictions, this is the second year that we were not able to have a Christmas program. But this did not stop us from preparing something special for you, our beloved parents. Under the direction of Music teacher, Ms. Tara Franquez, assisted by members of the faculty and staff, all the classes performed a holiday number or two for you to enjoy. You can view the videos via our Youtube page Santa Barbara Catholic School or through our Christmas Performance 2021 Page here on the website, put together by our Systems Administrator, Mr. Von Apuya. May our students’ performance bring joy to your hearts this Christmas. We have added links below to direct you to the pages.
Merry Christmas!
SBCS 71st Foundation Day
With joy and thanksgiving to God, we celebrate today the 71st Foundation Day of Santa Barbara School. 😁🙏 On September 5, 1950, under the leadership of Father Fulgence Petrie, OFM Cap.,and Sister Mary Redempta Thomas, RSM, Santa Barbara opened its doors to offer Catholic education to our parish and island community.
Today, we stand strong and committed to continue the legacy and mission of educating the mind, heart, and spirit of our students! Biba, Santa Barbara! 👏🏼🥰#sbcsguam #sbcsis71 #sbcsrocks